Wednesday, September 19, 2007

early morning

I woke up early This morning, couldn't sleep. the flight Was fine, Over in just under aN hour. it cost Twenty-five dollars for the caB ride from the airport, and thE driver didn't say one word to me.

then i Left my phone in the restaurant (got it back an hour later), but luckily nO oNe called. i would have Guessed he would have dropped me a liNe, i'm nOt really interested in chatting With anyone at this time. i'll send a few emails later today.

Anyway, here's a pic outside my window of the hotel.

More later,
- M


StxJimmy said...

This is fxcking Creapy ... here stands: It Won't Be Long Now...

Hershey Park is doing there job very well! But it's a little bit freaky!

I hope you're new coaster will be great!!

ngeunit1 said...

Love the way you guys are doing this, cool to see someone doing something for the enthusiasts.

natatomic said...

What building is that?

Dave Crochunis said...

It wont be long now. Nice

Dave Crochunis said...

would you mind telling me what floor you are on? Just curious how "high up" you are.

Dave Crochunis said...

Dude, What are you doing in LA? as in Los angeles? You have my e-mail address. Please tell me!